
Explore our archive of articles on Transformation.

Vision and Change | Fermentation as Metaphor

Journal Article

Fermentation is extremely versatile as a metaphor. Inside our minds, frequently, ideas ferment as we think about them and imagine how they might play out.

The Holy Grail of Restoration

Journal Article

Over historical time the vegetative cover and evolutionary biodiversity of the Sinai has been in large part lost. Imagine the importance if it were possible to restore the region to ecological health.

Unlearning Together

Journal Article

...We’ve entered the era that the Hopis predicted in their prophecies of the “great purification,” the unstoppable entropy of not only our external political, economic and ecological systems, but above all the unexamined assumptions underlying those systems.

Preparing for Profound Change | Four Key Lessons


We know profound change is coming. We feel it in our bodies. The converging crises have been named, like hurricanes […]

Lifecycle of Emergence: Using Emergence to Take Social Innovation to Scale


Despite current ads and slogans, the world doesn’t change one person at a time. It changes as networks of relationships […]

Connecting for Change: Insights from an Emerging Global Transformation Movement


“The present convergence of crises–in money, energy, education, health, water, soil, climate, politics, the environment, and more–is a birth crisis, […]

Personal to Planetary Transformation


We are living in a time of whole system transition on a personal and planetary scale that affects every aspect of life as we know it. Patterns of possibility are emerging that have never before been available to all the earth’s people and to the whole planet. Two million organisations are working toward ecological sustainability and social justice, according to Paul Hawken.