
Explore our archive of articles on Transformation.

True Health | What if the Virus is the Medicine?

Journal Article

The emerging pandemic is already a watershed of the early 21st century: things won’t ever be the same. Yet for all that the havoc that the virus is wreaking, directly and indirectly, it may also be part of the bitter medicine the global body needs.

The Teachings in a Time of Intense World Crisis

Journal Article

"More than anything else, the intensity of these times challenges us to deepen our own orientation to the Real – and to our intelligent appreciation of future evolutionary possibilities that are being worked out in our lives and through our lives. And that is why the Wisdom Teachings are so important right now. We are being called to really think – and to explore what it means to think for ourselves..."

The River Threshold

Journal Article

"She and I sat at a picnic table near a stream with a therapist who was also my uncle, and we said out loud in the summer June air that we couldn’t give what the other wanted. She said she couldn’t live with me anymore and be who she wanted to be. I said I couldn’t live indefinitely separate and fragmented. We said these things for the purpose of freeing each other, though freedom didn’t liberate like we thought.”

The Penetrating Wind

Journal Article

"To be released into the visceral certainty of being connected to everything is to become receptive to the influences of everything upon me. That my actions reach far beyond a parochial view is confirmed. I am reminded that the boundaries of those actions are virtually non-existent, that everything is always in intra-active motion. I cannot assume as much choice about how my life unfolds as I might imagine or prefer, nor can I ignore the probability of influence from far beyond my limited view."

First There Must Be an End

Journal Article

"I don’t write to announce the end of the world or to change the minds of those who are convinced that the world as we have known it can be saved or made sustainable. I write for anyone who has found themselves, as I have, needing to make sense of what is ending, how we can talk about it and what tasks are worth taking on in whatever time it turns out that we have."

Deep Adaptation | A Quartet of Videos

Journal Article

Many people spend time processing the emotional implications of the coming collapse before looking outwards to find roles on the local and global levels. Others, in the wake of their grief, turn inward and learn to trust their own hearts and emotions, which can be an invitation to others to do the same. The following four films were curated by the Deep Adaptation Quarterly, Issue 12, November 2022.

‘Great Turning’ Visionaries | Part 2

Journal Article

I think if we’re going to make it, we’re going to have to step up consciously. We’re going to either choose it or we’re going to lose it. - Duane Elgin

‘Great Turning’ Visionaries | Part 1

Journal Article

What is the Great Turning? It's the turning away from our self-destruction toward a new era of human dignity, racial justice, environmental restoration, and peace within and peace without. - Craig Schindler

The Wisdom of Our Ancestors

Journal Article

The frontiers of science now give us an ever-deepening understanding of the interdependence of life. Quantum physics tells us that relationships, not particles, are the foundation of what we experience as material reality.

The Ecozoans

Journal Article

Everyone who breathes air, drinks water, takes in nourishment from the land, marvels at the moon, sun, and stars, and is conscious of being energized by wondrous processes that evolved over billions of years is an Ecozoan.