
Explore our archive of articles on Transformation.

Evolving Toward Cooperation

Journal Article

Of course, the question was—after a century and a half of “Social Darwinism” claiming that it was all about competition, from the lowest to the highest—could our world now dominated by the shark-tank rubrics of business, economics, and politics adjust to this astounding news? Could it realize that because of this basic blunder about Darwin’s message, we had, in fact, ended up with dystopia instead of utopia?

The Power of Community

Journal Article

‘Ecovillages’—communities that consciously regenerate life within and around them—start appearing when we notice that the world really needs us to wake up and come fully present now. 'Business as usual' is no longer an option. Then we find that we have an endless capacity to find intelligent and different solutions.

Chama River Revelations

Journal Article

What I love in the world is asking something of me—not only to reflect its beauty, but also to express its vulnerability, its potential demise. I notice fewer songbirds returning to my water fountain each season. I am observing an absence. How do I articulate the hole in the picture, the silenced voice?

Paradise Lost | The Sequel

Journal Article

Just as we’ve mapped earth’s geography to the last square block, we need to do the same with its ecology. A new breed of global power brokers needs to create this new mapping with the goal of it becoming a planetary vital signs monitor that is easily accessible to us all.

Eating as if Life and the Planet Mattered

Journal Article

Marge | I believe that humans have a very vital, beautiful role by being part of this planet- this living community. I think our role is to use our awareness, our great combination of intelligence and heart to create a harmonious environment for all living beings and non-living beings.

Art in a Time of Catastrophe

Journal Article

At such a time, are the arts irrelevant, a luxury? To the contrary, they have an essential place both in grieving for what is lost and in imagining new human possibilities.

Active Hope | Time with Joanna Macy

Journal Article

She is close to ninety, and I wanted to be able to work with her before she completely passes the baton to others.

A Cry for Help

Journal Article

I like to consider myself a helper, but when our son, Jon, took his life on Easter weekend of 2019, I could no longer think of myself as a successful helper. In my own eyes, I instantly became a failed one.

The Next Civilization, with Jeremy Lent

Journal Article

These received ideas that we have about meaning, how do they actually arise? Whose word are these ideas from?

Economic Justice and Ecological Regeneration

Journal Article

Our crucial task is to incorporate these principles of traditional wisdom into an integrated system of values that can redirect humanity away from catastrophe, and toward a flourishing future. One where our shared identity expands beyond parochial boundaries to include, not just all humanity, but all sentient beings, and the vibrancy of the entire living Earth. Ultimately, it is our values that guide our actions—and will shape our future.