
Explore our archive of articles on Spirituality.

Physics and Spirituality

Journal Article

...this apparently material world is only the phenomenal representation of a much deeper universal reality. Such an assertion is not easily understood, but it does suggest that, if we accept the notion of a cosmic ecosystem, stewardship is not merely related to the material world of people and planet, but indeed is spiritual stewardship.

Look Up!

Journal Article

Slowly, making my way along the rutted dirt path, I reached the top of the mesa, set down my backpack, leaned against a nearby log, and looked up at the sky and clouds. In that moment, everything changed.

A Dark Night of the Soul and the Discovery of Meaning

Journal Article

By Thomas Moore A dark night of the soul is a kind of initiation, taking you from one phase of life into another. You may have several dark nights in the course of your life because you are always becoming more of a person and entering life more fully.

Where Are We in the Story of the Universe?

Journal Article

The systems which keep all other organisms in check don’t work with us. Why? Why are we overpowering the systems of checks and balances which keep everyone else in check, in harmony with the biosphere. We will eventually be kept in check, of course, but why at such a cost to the entire Earth community?

The Stones Will Cry Out

Journal Article

Animism locates human beings in an expansive family of kinfolk that includes “bear persons” and “rock persons” along with “tree persons” and “human persons.” This sensibility is both ancient and modern. 

Kathy Thaden | An Inner Fire

Journal Article

“How do I discuss the impact of environmental issues – on both our natural surroundings and the rest of humanity? What can I contribute to the narrative of healing and restoration?"

Every Act a Ceremony

Journal Article

The ceremony, which only makes sense if holy beings are watching, draws us into an experiential reality in which holy beings are indeed present.

Thich Nhat Hanh’s Code of Global Ethics

Journal Article

At the turning of the Millennium, the United Nations chose Thich Nhat Hanh's code of global ethics, the Five Mindfulness Trainings, as the foundation for a non-sectarian ethical path for humanity.

Breakfast Table Revelation

Journal Article

The vision lasted only a few seconds but it left me dizzy and I held the table to steady myself.  Glancing around, the dining hall still looked the same but it felt new. I felt new.

Economic Justice and Ecological Regeneration

Journal Article

Our crucial task is to incorporate these principles of traditional wisdom into an integrated system of values that can redirect humanity away from catastrophe, and toward a flourishing future. One where our shared identity expands beyond parochial boundaries to include, not just all humanity, but all sentient beings, and the vibrancy of the entire living Earth. Ultimately, it is our values that guide our actions—and will shape our future.