
Explore our archive of articles on Spirituality.

It’s Time for Beloved Community Circles

Journal Article

Beloved Community Circles is a network of small groups of 5-12 people, geographically local to each other, who make three commitments: to engage in spiritual practice and healing together so that healing and development are core; to come to care deeply for each other’s well-being; and to participate in mindful action of the group’s choosing.


Journal Article

We can practice 'unlearning' grasping and clinging by using the beauty of 'Colors In Motion' to entrain our minds and our nervous systems to accept flow. Flow is a healthy approach to the rapid changes humans are experiencing, and can expand our capacity to be present in every precious moment.

Confessions of a Recovering Catholic

Journal Article

Mother’s Day 1972: It was my First Communion and, like all good Catholic girls, I was decked out in my white dress and veil, hands folded in prayer, and head bowed as a sign of my unworthiness. I stepped forward to receive my first taste of the consecrated host, and I was forever changed.

Healing Into Consciousness

Journal Article

...What are your beliefs and conditionings; how were they formed; and how can you transform them into consciousness so you can fully live your life and contribute your unique gifts to the world?


Journal Article

...The car is now standing still. I smell the disaster before I see it. A smell of fuel and burnt steel. Where are the kids? Not in the car. I look for them on the highway. I find their bodies. I take care of them until ambulances arrive. While running from one child to another, I discover strength in me.

The Wanderer’s Preparation in the Death Lodge

Journal Article

A candidate for soul initiation knows what she has taken on. She’s preparing to die in order to be reborn. She must abandon her old home to set out for her new home. She longs for the journey but is understandably terrified by the prospect.

Roots and Evolution of Mindfulness

Journal Article

While mindfulness is certainly widely adopted and practiced, our experience is that surprisingly few people are aware of its deep roots and origins in wisdom traditions—its more profound meanings, value, highest implications, and most intriguing applications.  

Presence at the Edge of Our Practice

Journal Article

Humanity is in a time of transition, one that we can navigate successfully only with a shift in consciousness. How can we wake up from the collective neuroses that have driven our civilization into decadence and decline?

Green Medicine

Journal Article

I use photography as a tool to explore the raw elemental power of the natural world by visiting and re-visiting places I’m drawn to in order to be touched by their spiritual essence.

What the Wind Taught

Journal Article

I watched ravens and clouds, jotted random thoughts in my journal, but had no meaningful insights. A day and a night passed. I began to give up.