New Community
It’s Time for Beloved Community Circles
Journal Article
Beloved Community Circles is a network of small groups of 5-12 people, geographically local to each other, who make three commitments: to engage in spiritual practice and healing together so that healing and development are core; to come to care deeply for each other’s well-being; and to participate in mindful action of the group’s choosing.
Medicine from the Margins
Journal Article
Trickster mythologies often teach us about the necessity for human culture to embrace and maintain a relationship with the marginal wilds of the natural world and the soul itself. In countless fairy tales, an ailing kingdom is revived by a heroine or hero taking a journey beyond its boundaries. The medicine needed most is almost always found in the dark forest, not in the comforting lights of home.
Caring for the Soul of Humanity
Journal Article
I was 25 years old when I witnessed human misery for the first time. It was 2008, and I had moved to a remote city in the underprivileged state of Maranhão, in Northeast Brazil. Despite moving with the illusion of building a new life, the harsh realities of extreme poverty and structural violence expanded my worldview in ways I couldn’t imagine.
The Economics of Solidarity, Spirit, and Soul
Journal Article
Economics is a scary word. It has this way of making basic, critical questions of life—How shall we spend our time? Who gets access to which resources?—seem impenetrable, none of our business and, of all things, boring.
BOOK | Farming for the Long Haul
Journal Article
Farmers in urban civilizations have always been subject to powers beyond them. Indeed, there is ample evidence that urban civilizations were invariably built on the conquest and subjection of farming cultures. Our current food industry grew out of the defeat of farmers’ efforts in the late nineteenth century to win fair prices for their production.
Reforestation in Portugal
Journal Article
Although the physical reforestation we undertake is, of course, important, it is secondary to healing the sacred relationship between people and Mother Earth. The loss of the sacred stems from the mistaken belief that we are separate—from Nature, from each other, from anything.
Selfcare Freedom
Journal Article
The Diaspora Coalition’s medicinal herb production project interconnects communities which grow their own plant medicine at the hyper-local level.
Restoring the Housatonic River Walk
Journal Article
The ongoing creation of River Walk also speaks to the human element. It marks the confluence of ecological renewal, environmental and social justice, the underpinnings of the industrial revolution, and the vitality of a downtown.
Fourteen Recommendations When Facing Climate Tragedy
Journal Article
How might interbeing raise you from the threat of depression if you sense the end of everything one can contribute to due to near-term extinction of the human race and the majority of species?
Safe Houses | Giving Refuge
Journal Article
Modern-day safe houses comprise a worldwide wisdom body, though each part has no full knowledge of the whole. This is the essence of their brilliance, and their generative wealth.