Living Earth

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It Couldn’t Be Clearer

Journal Article

It’s through this imagining that we open to the power of interrelatedness and allow it to operate ever more fully through us. Our imagination expands the concept of care. It redefines priorities and values.


Journal Article

It seems to whisper, Allegheny, Allegheny – an Algonquian expression, I remember. It translates into something akin to Eternity or Beginning of Many Waters.

Choosing Earth | with Duane and Coleen Elgin

Journal Article

'Choosing Earth' offers a whole-systems view of the converging adversity trends facing humanity and three major scenarios for the future that are most likely to emerge from these powerful trends.

New Visions Give Hope in Dire Times

Journal Article

All our creativity and imagination must come together to create something new that lasts.

Across the Creek

Journal Article

Physical things have subtle energy, a non-physical being-ness that can be experienced through an internalisation of consciousness.

Our Collective Journey

Journal Article

Our quest to find purpose requires conscious alignment with our evolving, living Earth. When we allow Earth’s purpose to guide us, we know how to act in harmony with Life, and hope can blossom anew.

Oppression, Interconnection, and Healing

Journal Article

Charles Eisenstein: The Amazon is where Gaia's memory of health still exists. And if that can be preserved, there will always be hope. If there is one healthy region that still has integrity, then it can teach the rest of the world to be healthy again.

Salmon Migration as Earth Expression

Journal Article

The only way contemporary science seems able to fathom some species' uncanny navigational powers is by likening the abilities of these animals to technologies of our own, human invention.

Indigenous Languages As Cures of the Earth

Journal Article

"The Amazon is a sacred place. Human Beings do not make sacred places, they acknowledge them, recognize them, and sustain them without developing them. We honor them with languages taught to us by the Earth herself. ...They are part of the Cura Da Terra, "Cure of the Earth”, to borrow a phrase from the First Peoples of the Amazon."