Living Earth

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Perceptual Intelligence

Journal Article

You cannot have deep knowledge of a landscape if your encounter with it is only occasional and superficial. It takes many years to gather the kind of deep knowledge I speak of here.

The World of Itō Jakuchū

Journal Article

These beautiful polychrome woodblock prints are Meiji era copies (ca. 1900) of original designs (ca. 1771) by Itō Jakuchū (伊藤 若冲, 2 March 1716 – 27 October 1800), a Japanese painter of the mid-Edo period notable for his striking modern aesthetic.

Meeting Mugwort

Journal Article

The plant world wants to communicate with us just as much as we want to communicate with them. But because we’ve forgotten their language, we’ve become deaf to their gentle greetings.

The Atlas of Disappearing Places

Journal Article

Christina painted these maps on sheets of dried “sea lettuce,” members of the genus Ulva, a group of green macroalgae found in many parts of the world. All of the maps in this book were created from a single piece of Ulva perhaps 150 square feet in size, the largest she has ever found.

Honoring Commons-based Circuits of Value

Journal Article

​It is becoming clear that our path beyond the pandemic, climate change, social inequality and much else will require some serious social and political transformations. But to navigate a reliable path forward, we must learn how to protect forms of value that cannot be expressed through price or created through markets.

How to Be a Soil Keeper

Journal Article

The practice of soil keeping provides individuals committed to realizing a just society with a compelling basis for imagining their work and recognizing the interdependencies between people, place, and planet.

The Wonder of It All

Journal Article

Let us consider Earth and the community of planets as seeds broadcast into a field – in this case, a solar field. Just as plant seeds can find themselves in locations that are too dry or too hot or too cold for sprouting, so most of the planets in the solar field landed in conditions unfavorable for growth. Only Earth was in a promising situation for germination.

How Not to Lose the Elephant for All its Parts

Journal Article

Recognizing how every part of an animal manifests an underlying unity is an exhilarating experience. What seemed separate comes together, and we sense that we are seeing the elephant truly for the first time.

Indigenous to Life

Journal Article

The central lesson of many Earth wisdom traditions is about alignment with life as a process, living in right relationship and letting life’s regenerative patterns flow through us. In this way of being we understand ourselves not as owners but rather as expressions of place.

Remembering Nature

Journal Article