Living Earth

Explore our archive of articles on Living Earth.

A Walk Along the River | Metaphysical Concepts of Thought and Time

Journal Article

"At both scales of reality—the cosmic metaphysical and the human psychological—the untamed, chaotic unconscious is the mother of the conscious. The latter “eternally struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth and primal darkness of the maternal womb,” that it may express the potential from which it arises as localized form or explicit thought. The roots of matter and thought thus share the same profoundly wild, oceanic origins as does time."

Reemergence of Animate World Experiences

Journal Article

"If we intend to participate in the world as if every presence is alive and intelligent and aware, perhaps we catch ourselves a thousand times forgetting. Yet when we remember long enough, or often enough, we might crack the doors of perception – doors that may be shut by customary psychic habits – and enter that breathing world, where everything speaks, where every presence longs to be seen and known."  

Origin | from “The Story of Gaia”

Journal Article

"Instead of our Universe beginning in the implicit chaos of a “bang,” it was born in a minuscule and incredibly simple and ordered state...Our Universe continues to sound the ongoing harmony in the Big Breath of its emergent potential."

Searching for a more beautiful world, with Charles Eisenstein

Journal Article

A conversation with my favorite contemporary social philosopher, Charles Eisenstein, about his life, his work, and the major opportunities and obstacles we’re facing today.

Spotlight on Hanne Strong

Journal Article

Mrs. Strong, has been an advocate for environmental conservation and restoration for many decades. Her Baca/Crestone Community currently houses many of the world’s wisdom traditions and is referred to as the “Refuge for World Truths”. It is the largest intentional, interreligious and sustainable living community in North America.

Mugwort | Plants Rule the World

Journal Article

I had embarked on a journey to talk with Mugwort because I wanted to understand plants and nature in a new way. To listen rather than destroy. To ask rather than demand. To learn to respect rather than disregard. And also, to find out why it annoyed me so much.

Unitive Narrative | A New Lens for Approaching the Sustainable Development Goals

Journal Article

The purpose of the unitive narrative is to provide an emergent cosmological, planetary, interspiritual and societal foundation to serve and support the conscious evolution of humanity and heal our collective worldview from separation to a perspective of unity in diversity.

The Juniper Tree

Journal Article

I longed to slip into that magical place where everything speaks the same language. I wanted to understand what the birds were saying, to know what it felt like to be the willow tree in my back yard, to grasp the society of the tiny lives that wriggled in a rain puddle.

Watching River Otters

Journal Article

Watching the river otters playing, I know that there is a deeper truth to our journey, older than any belief or ideology, and far from the discords of today.

Perceptual Intelligence

Journal Article

You cannot have deep knowledge of a landscape if your encounter with it is only occasional and superficial. It takes many years to gather the kind of deep knowledge I speak of here.