Living Earth

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Kito Mbiango | The Power of Art to Drive Action

Journal Article

Kito Mbiango’s work speaks nostalgically to our primal intelligence, engaging us in a conscious reflection about our collective evolution. His “Climate Change Collection” is a response to the accelerating environmental degradation we are facing and have imposed upon nature and all wildlife.

Active Hope | Time with Joanna Macy

Journal Article

She is close to ninety, and I wanted to be able to work with her before she completely passes the baton to others.

Holding a Seed for the Future

Journal Article

The future will not be as we have planned—our world is already too far out of balance. But this may be our most important gift to future generations—a belief in living Oneness.

Love Letters from Seaweed

Journal Article

"The next high tide would erase these remarkable assemblages in 12 hours and others would take their place—always a reminder that time and action are evolutionary agents moving everything toward something else."

The Power of Allurement

Journal Article

In the face of this devastation, is there space for contemplating beauty? The power of allurement says yes, we must. This power draws us out of ourselves, brings us to life, again and again.

The Treasure of Our Living, Relational Commons

Journal Article

As I have learned about the social life of trees and the intimate bonds that indigenous peoples have with various lifeforms and rivers – and as I pore through recent ecophilosophy that explains aliveness to the western mind -- I’ve concluded: We really ought to be talking more about animism and commoning.

Ocean of Wisdom

Journal Article

I call the Ocean ‘grandmother’ because life was created in her waters some 3.5 billion years ago, and a little bit later the continents also emerged. These are the beginnings of the Biosphere as we know it today, whose secrets lie deep within her. Slowly but surely, the first photosynthetic organisms started releasing tiny bubbles of oxygen from her depths into the atmosphere. The ocean’s oxygen production continues to this day and according to NOAA, phytoplankton produces up to 50% of the oxygen on Earth.

Should I have Children? | Lessons from Brown Bears

Journal Article

While female Bears may parent on their own, they are partnered at every step with Mother Nature. Every aspect of a Bear is shaped in relationship with Nature’s grain. This refined union of self with surroundings has been passed through innumerable generations over millions of years. To optimize their children’s security and wellness, mothers-to-be must be aware of external states as well as their own internal states.

Thomas Berry on Intuition

Journal Article

“You can’t understand the universe simply through science—it is one way of knowing directed toward analysis and use. The intuition is another way of knowing through the heart—the song of the birds, the sky at night, the magnificence of mountains and seas.' - Thomas Berry

To Lament | Dawn Songs and the Human-Bird Bond

Journal Article

"The term ‘lament’ is typically associated with grief, with sorrow, with loss. Maybe the loss is physical – a beloved passes. Maybe the loss is etheric – a longed for dream of what could be is dissolved by circumstance. Those who have awakened to the nature of dawn songs lament the loss of birds… Perhaps lamentation is a song that enables the necessary mystery to find us in ways that we long to be found.”