Living Earth

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The Stones Will Cry Out

Journal Article

Animism locates human beings in an expansive family of kinfolk that includes “bear persons” and “rock persons” along with “tree persons” and “human persons.” This sensibility is both ancient and modern. 

Bringing Reefs Back to Life

Journal Article

Two years ago, an “obituary” for the Great Barrier Reef flew across the Internet like grapeshot fired from a cannon. But the pronouncement was premature. Coral reefs are indeed dying, but they are not yet dead.

Freeing the Dragon

Journal Article

A world without fossil fuels is only possible if we change the system completely. That means building an alternative which works at least as well in all these diverse fields, but which is regenerative instead of destructive. We need to completely change the system if we want to liberate the dragon.

Including the Earth in Our Prayers

Journal Article

We need to reclaim the simple truth that spiritual life is not solely about ourselves, and open to a larger, all-embracing vision. If spiritual life is not about the whole, it has lost its true nature.

Kathy Thaden | An Inner Fire

Journal Article

“How do I discuss the impact of environmental issues – on both our natural surroundings and the rest of humanity? What can I contribute to the narrative of healing and restoration?"

Every Act a Ceremony

Journal Article

The ceremony, which only makes sense if holy beings are watching, draws us into an experiential reality in which holy beings are indeed present.

Kito Mbiango | The Power of Art to Drive Action

Journal Article

Kito Mbiango’s work speaks nostalgically to our primal intelligence, engaging us in a conscious reflection about our collective evolution. His “Climate Change Collection” is a response to the accelerating environmental degradation we are facing and have imposed upon nature and all wildlife.

Active Hope | Time with Joanna Macy

Journal Article

She is close to ninety, and I wanted to be able to work with her before she completely passes the baton to others.

Holding a Seed for the Future

Journal Article

The future will not be as we have planned—our world is already too far out of balance. But this may be our most important gift to future generations—a belief in living Oneness.

Love Letters from Seaweed

Journal Article

"The next high tide would erase these remarkable assemblages in 12 hours and others would take their place—always a reminder that time and action are evolutionary agents moving everything toward something else."