Living Earth

Explore our archive of articles on Living Earth.

Wealth as Responsiveness to Earth Wisdom

Journal Article

A Lakota elder challenges the prevailing Western notions of ownership and wealth by advocating for a return to the holistic understanding of existence found in Indigenous cultures. He emphasizes the importance of unlearning Western ideologies of possession and relearning Indigenous ways of being, which prioritize community, reciprocity, and harmony with the Earth.

Worldviews Conjured by Words

Journal Article

Do we have access to words and languages that are life-enhancing, that awaken our consciousness to an animate Earth and our place in a living cosmology? Do the words we choose, and the order in which we string them together, depict the world as a web of sacred systems with agency, or instead, tragically, as a vault of commodities and dead-matter resources for human use?

Summoned by the Earth | A Story of Healing and Protection

Journal Article

Tasked with an ancient Tibetan practice, Cynthia Jurs embarked on a monumental mission: to carry Earth Treasure Vases filled with prayers and holy offerings and bury them in places around the world for healing. Her book, "Summoned by the Earth," chronicles her incredible journey. A Kosmos interview and book excerpt.

Climate Reports

Journal Article

The power and abundance of our Earth can never be overstated; what is commonly overlooked is humanity's exploitation and neglect of its own life source.

Green Medicine

Journal Article

I use photography as a tool to explore the raw elemental power of the natural world by visiting and re-visiting places I’m drawn to in order to be touched by their spiritual essence.

The Prophecy

Journal Article

Through his stunning work, Belgian-Beninese photographer Fabrice Monteiro challenges us to examine issues of fashion, race, consumerism and exploitation.


Journal Article

During the blink of an eye we call a lifetime, change transforms us. Change forces us to see Earth and our place in the cosmos in new ways.

A Tale of Two Pipelines

Journal Article

Malinda | We came together as a community, saying to the corporation, Williams Partners, "We're not going to stand by and let you destroy our land. We will stand between you and the land if we have to."

Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter

Journal Article

If trapping out beavers ranked among humanity’s earliest crimes against nature, bringing them back is a way to pay reparations.

Tending the Wild

Journal Article

What looked to European settlers like untamed wilderness was actually the product of millennia of intentional human influence. Calling it wilderness, or “virgin territory,” gave them license to occupy it, cultivate it, “develop” it, and “improve” it.