The Practice of Lucid Dreaming
Journal Article
"Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism have been familiar for thousands of years with experiences of self-awareness in dreaming. More than that, all three of these traditions have developed practices aimed at cultivating these kinds of dream experiences and channeling their energies toward spiritual growth and enlightenment."
Collapse and Expansion
Journal Article
"Something other than 'collapse' is also happening. We are experiencing an expansion in our understanding of reality. Technologies ancient and modern enable us to peel back the very layers of matter, space, mind, and time, and touch their primordial depths. We are directly encountering congruences that our ancestors intuited and honored through myth and ceremony. Consciousness is evolving. Evolution does not mean 'superior'. The word comes from Latin ēvolūtiō - "unrolling a papyrus scroll, to roll out or away, uncover, unwrap, unfold by using the intellect.” We are unwrapping the reality of our unitive nature - our ability to harmonize with a living Universe.."
A Walk Along the River | Metaphysical Concepts of Thought and Time
Journal Article
"At both scales of reality—the cosmic metaphysical and the human psychological—the untamed, chaotic unconscious is the mother of the conscious. The latter “eternally struggles to extricate itself from the primal warmth and primal darkness of the maternal womb,” that it may express the potential from which it arises as localized form or explicit thought. The roots of matter and thought thus share the same profoundly wild, oceanic origins as does time."
Navigating the Storm of Global Change
Journal Article
I've long championed the term “subtle activism” to describe the application of consciousness-based practices like meditation, prayer, and ritual for collective rather than personal transformation. The idea is to broaden the traditional focus of our therapeutic and spiritual attention beyond individual concerns to include the main global issues of our times. And it is in relation to the healing of collective trauma, specifically, that I think an approach like subtle activism has a crucial role to play.
The Art of Life | a Documentary
Journal Article
As a rising star in the field of abstract mathematics, Michael discovered that he could see beauty and pattern where others could not. But his path was not to be inside academia, or even inside society. He went on a grand adventure to unify his Buddhism with his ability to see an expanded view of reality. He created beauty in a place where nobody else would, and made his friends amongst dolphins.
A Cloud Never Dies | A Film about the Life of Thích Nhất Hạnh
Journal Article
A new documentary about the life of Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay), premiered Saturday, April 2 on YouTube. Narrated by actor Peter Coyote, the film provides an intimate glimpse into the life of the global spiritual leader, poet, and human rights activist who is revered around the world for his pioneering teachings on mindfulness, global ethics, and peace. VIDEO
The Indwelling Spirit
Journal Article
Our spiritual commons includes the pure positive potential that flows upward from the Indwelling Spirit into our personal field of consciousness where it manifests as humanity’s eight positive core qualities of thought and action
All Things Are a Commons
Journal Article
A commons isn’t a shared space for multiple lives but rather the space of their shared lives.
The Holomovement
Journal Article
In recognition of Bohm’s vision and the subsequent realization of the synergistic energy arising, the term “holomovement” perfectly describes the sociological phenomenon underlying the worldwide movement towards unity.