Summoned by the Earth | A Story of Healing and Protection
Journal Article
Tasked with an ancient Tibetan practice, Cynthia Jurs embarked on a monumental mission: to carry Earth Treasure Vases filled with prayers and holy offerings and bury them in places around the world for healing. Her book, "Summoned by the Earth," chronicles her incredible journey. A Kosmos interview and book excerpt.
Purposeful Memoir as a Path to Alignment
Journal Article
Most people think of memoir as a recounting of what we already know about our lives. But, in fact, what we already know is only the beginning of the journey of what I call purposeful memoir.
Healing Into Consciousness
Journal Article
...What are your beliefs and conditionings; how were they formed; and how can you transform them into consciousness so you can fully live your life and contribute your unique gifts to the world?
Social Breakdown and Initiation
Journal Article
Orland: ...A 'right' is not just for me. It's an acknowledgement that the framework that gives me access to my own potential is the same framework that gives access to someone else's potential. So this is the idea of civility. Civility is the framework that allows people to communicate in ways that allows the collective potential to be realized and achieved.
Change the Worldview, Change the World
Journal Article
Gender, like race, is a social construction, which is to say, a story. And the stories of sexism and racism that have cast such a pall over our history and our present illustrate the power of worldview and narrative in generating and maintaining systemic oppression.
Are We Addicted to Fear?
Journal Article
We are being called to master our ability to intentionally access the higher brain’s We-Brain capacities as we work consciously and compassionately with our fears.
Between the Inner and Outer Worlds
Journal Article
Perhaps the living pulse that runs through the network of connections which makes up our life on Earth, and which allows us to fathom a greater, unifying wholeness, is gratitude for what already is.
Do We Really Want to Be Happy?
Journal Article
Joy doesn’t compute for most of us! We simply are not at all familiar with the energetic state of being consumed by sustained joy, or what it takes to intentionally summon the thoughts that generate it.
The Deschooling Dialogues | Ayahuasca and Other Pathways of Perception
Journal Article
Daniel | Since I started this whole's felt to me that there is the potential that we, in this lifetime, can somehow make a kind of quantum, mutational leap into another dimensional realization.
On Elevating the Human Narrative
Journal Article
Judy Rodgers | ...I think decisions about things like governance or institutions source from our awareness. We can’t build something if it’s outside the scope of our awareness. We can’t design a true commons if we’re in a very limited consciousness.