Individual Transformation

Explore our archive of articles on Individual Transformation.

A Dark Night of the Soul and the Discovery of Meaning

Journal Article

By Thomas Moore A dark night of the soul is a kind of initiation, taking you from one phase of life into another. You may have several dark nights in the course of your life because you are always becoming more of a person and entering life more fully.

Dancing with Animals

Journal Article

The ceremonial dances at Ringbalin were about the river ecosystem and how the people would have found sustenance from it. Ngarrindjeri elder Uncle Moogy spoke about how the creatures are seen in their culture as Naatchi, meaning their friends...

Including the Earth in Our Prayers

Journal Article

We need to reclaim the simple truth that spiritual life is not solely about ourselves, and open to a larger, all-embracing vision. If spiritual life is not about the whole, it has lost its true nature.

Three Poems

Journal Article

As a spirit traveling through matter on a journey towards an unknown event horizon, poetry has been a record and exploration of the inner experience, thoughts, and feelings of this human voyage in a world that is beautiful, mysterious, radiant, and at times terrifying.

Every Act a Ceremony

Journal Article

The ceremony, which only makes sense if holy beings are watching, draws us into an experiential reality in which holy beings are indeed present.

Inner Work Makes Our Outer Work Massively More Effective

Journal Article

If you are already on the path of your own inner work, you will know how a regular practice of self-reflection can be incredibly useful—not just to you, but to the communities around you, as well as to the wider world. 

Fourteen Recommendations When Facing Climate Tragedy

Journal Article

How might interbeing raise you from the threat of depression if you sense the end of everything one can contribute to due to near-term extinction of the human race and the majority of species?

Art in a Time of Catastrophe

Journal Article

At such a time, are the arts irrelevant, a luxury? To the contrary, they have an essential place both in grieving for what is lost and in imagining new human possibilities.

Healing the Wounded Mind

Journal Article

To have inner strength requires that we carry vision within us. Also, that we learn, or at least accept responsibility for, transmitting that vision.

A Cry for Help

Journal Article

I like to consider myself a helper, but when our son, Jon, took his life on Easter weekend of 2019, I could no longer think of myself as a successful helper. In my own eyes, I instantly became a failed one.