Individual Transformation

Explore our archive of articles on Individual Transformation.

Presence at the Edge of Our Practice

Journal Article

Humanity is in a time of transition, one that we can navigate successfully only with a shift in consciousness. How can we wake up from the collective neuroses that have driven our civilization into decadence and decline?

What the Wind Taught

Journal Article

I watched ravens and clouds, jotted random thoughts in my journal, but had no meaningful insights. A day and a night passed. I began to give up.

Are We Addicted to Fear?

Journal Article

We are being called to master our ability to intentionally access the higher brain’s We-Brain capacities as we work consciously and compassionately with our fears.

Wind | A Letter to My Daughters

Journal Article

Before you were born, I went on a journey that would take me around the world completely, a spherical, three-dimensional journey. A journey of dirt and blood. A journey of taste and bodily sensation. A journey of texture.

Eldering in the Age of Consumption

Journal Article

Perhaps more than anything, to become elder is to be comfortable with your place in the world.

The Deschooling Dialogues | Ayahuasca and Other Pathways of Perception

Journal Article

Daniel | Since I started this whole's felt to me that there is the potential that we, in this lifetime, can somehow make a kind of quantum, mutational leap into another dimensional realization.

The Problem with “More”

Journal Article

Our globalized world lures us to crave more. The culture of “more” is a culture of not enough, accumulation and conquest, and sought but constantly deferred satiety. Every time we text message or update Instagram, researchers tell us that our brains loop in a dopamine cycle of neurological yearning.

A Pocket Full of Stones

Journal Article home bordered the ‘other neighborhood,’ the one where the Fenians, the Papists, the Catholics lived. The ones I was afraid of. I had stones in my pocket to throw at them if ‘they’ came up ‘my’ street. So I sat on the curb with my friends, waiting for ‘them’ to come.

On Edge Work, Migration Flows, and Glocalization

Journal Article

In ecological design, the edge is known as the boundary or interface between two biological communities. It is the region where communities meet and integrate, producing conditions for increased diversity.

The Lie of the Land | Conversation and Essay

Journal Article

In this crisis to which we’ve brought ourselves, we can only change what is happening through transforming the way we imagine things. That happens through art. This is why I think stories and images are crucial if we’re to cope with our impending fate with kindness and dignity. The story may not actually be about our own survival, but it has to be about how we fit in.