Collective Intelligence
10 Years Ago | A Reflection on the Purpose of Kosmos
Journal Article
Kosmos is for those who want to participate in the global transformation from industrial society to the new civilization. It is for all of us who have been disillusioned with the greed, materialism, disrespect and deep suffering caused by inequities in harnessing the world’s resources and wealth. It is for those who want to hear the finest, most noble voices of the future. It is for those for whom heart is as central as mind. It is for those burning with passion to make a difference.
Listening for the Long Song
Journal Article
Before energy manifests as form it lives as a frequency, a vibrating song within a womb of silence. We all have an innate capacity to perceive a far wider range of frequencies than we generally engage but most of us have lost our ability to hear the subtle sounds of the Earth and the voices of all her creatures. This collective deafness reinforces the belief that the Earth is mute.
Depth Cosmology | New Paradigm Physics
Journal Article
The fundamental principle of depth-cosmology is that the universe is a Mind, but it goes way beyond pan-psychism. This is not a static and transcendent universe, but dynamic, process oriented and – just like humanity – self-actualizing. Furthermore, it supports the possibility of cosmic personalisation; the idea that the universe, in its unfolding evolution, is developing an increasingly individuated ‘character’, or identity.
Seven Foundations for a New Era
Journal Article
"I know that the coming decades will be darker, as the seas rise and the forests burn, as climate refugees flood the borders of our present world order. And that those clinging to the old stories will resist these primal changes, often through power and oppression. But over the last decades I have sensed, seen deep in the inner the Earth Herself is changing. And I believe that there is a need to begin to work with these changes."
The Bridge to Tomorrow is a Work-in-Progress
Journal Article
It’s not sufficient anymore to know about the benefits of connection. We must dynamically partake of this capacity to be together in a way that improves our individual health outcomes.
Truth that Affirms and Regenerates All Life
Journal Article
We must discover (or rediscover) a field of common experience and knowledge that is similar in scope but fundamentally different from scientific and spiritual materialism.
Marching Orders | Covid’s Attention War
Journal Article
The fundamental strategy of information warfare is to sever you from your reality, to intercede in the intimacy between your senses and your sense of the world.
The Noosphere Is Here
Journal Article
The great Jesuit anthropologist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, has long fascinated us with his vision that the world would evolve into a “noosphere,” [1] a great web of consciousness enveloping the Earth. It seemed a lovely but distant ideal, yet the Digital Revolution has now made that dream a reality.
The Hermetic Revival
Journal Article
These Seven Laws are some of the oldest and most influential systems of thinking, and have expanded horizons, broadened possibilities, and aided many in the pursuit of fuller, happier, more meaningful and longer lives — as much in modern times as ancient ones.
The Moment | Alan Watts and the Eternal Now
Journal Article
Until there is silence of the mind, it is almost impossible to understand eternal life, that is to say, eternal now.