Collective Intelligence
Rethinking Progress | Forming the Right Questions
Journal Article
What are the fundamental questions that humans alive at this particular moment in time should ask of themselves? What conjectures should we spend time pondering in order to realize a framework by which we may live hopeful, meaningful lives in the Anthropocene? By finding the right questions, we can inoculate ourselves to despair and focus our energy on the more productive pastures of vision and method.
The Illusion of Individualism | Breaking Free
Journal Article
What does it mean to truly acknowledge our interconnectedness? In my experience, it involves not just an intellectual, but also an emotional process. Facing the reality of the part we’re playing in the larger organism of life can be both challenging and beautiful.
The End of Human Supremacy
Journal Article
The healing of the world will be created through the cooperation of everyone who lives on Earth...The Earth knows how to heal the Earth better than anyone. Remembering to listen to all the beings of nature that are not only asking for help but also offering their wise medicine will be the long-awaited end of human supremacy.
‘Fourth Person’ | Collective Sensing
Journal Article
The number one problem facing humanity today is our sense that we are powerless to change any of it. The old ways of knowing and acting in our world are no longer sufficient. Our systems are collapsing. If we are going to serve societal transformation in the face of this collapse, as we believe is fully possible, we need to draw on a new form of knowing—knowing for transformative action.
Redefining philanthropy’s purpose and role by centering social movements
Journal Article
This essay delves into the pivotal relationship between philanthropy and social movements, challenging traditional paradigms. Emphasizing the need for philanthropy to move beyond mere funding and engage in true allyship with movements, the authors envision a praxis of solidarity philanthropy rooted in liberation.
Indigenous Worldview Is a Source We Now Urgently Need
Journal Article
The Mamos want the world to hear their warning and their deep concerns about the precarious state of all life on Mother Earth: “Our ancestors left us in this space, caring for and harmonizing the Earth and Humanity. We live in harmony with all nature's beings: water, earth, fire, wind, the sun, humans, and also animals and plants, which are essence of the divine.”
Change the Worldview, Change the World
Journal Article
Gender, like race, is a social construction, which is to say, a story. And the stories of sexism and racism that have cast such a pall over our history and our present illustrate the power of worldview and narrative in generating and maintaining systemic oppression.
Presence at the Edge of Our Practice
Journal Article
Humanity is in a time of transition, one that we can navigate successfully only with a shift in consciousness. How can we wake up from the collective neuroses that have driven our civilization into decadence and decline?
Where Are We in the Story of the Universe?
Journal Article
The systems which keep all other organisms in check don’t work with us. Why? Why are we overpowering the systems of checks and balances which keep everyone else in check, in harmony with the biosphere. We will eventually be kept in check, of course, but why at such a cost to the entire Earth community?