Riane Eisler

Riane Eisler, JD is President of the Center for Partnership Studies and internationally known as a systems scientist, attorney working for the human rights of women and children. She is the author of groundbreaking books including The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future, now in 27 foreign editions, and The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics. Dr. Eisler has received…

Economic Justice and Ecological Regeneration

Our crucial task is to incorporate these principles of traditional wisdom into an integrated system of values that can redirect humanity away from catastrophe, and toward a flourishing future. One where our shared identity expands beyond parochial boundaries to include, not just all humanity, but all sentient beings, and the vibrancy of the entire living Earth. Ultimately, it is our values that…

Strength in Openness

This Editorial precedes Volume 24, Issue 1 of Kosmos Journal. Scroll down to access featured content Dear Kosmos Reader, Welcome to the Year of the Wood Dragon, the start of a new 20-year cycle according to Feng Shui principles, dominated by the element – fire. Who knows for certain what the world will be like in 2044? Many are preparing for profound change. Yet, change is not dictated by…

The Web of Meaning

Jeremy Lent | What I call animate intelligence, and Earth wisdom, is a very similar take on the same thing, which is this recognition that life itself has spent billions of years here on Earth, evolving ways of doing things and being healthy as part of bigger ecosystems, and showing incredible intelligence.

Reclaiming Spiritual Wholeness

Despite core teachings of love and nonviolence, in both Eastern and Western scriptures, story after story and commandment after commandment idealize the infliction or suffering of pain.

Staff and Advisors

KOSMOS WINTER 2018  > STAFF AND ADVISORS Staff and Advisors Founding Editor NANCY B. ROOF Editor RHONDA FABIAN Webmaster | Art Director KAREN ANDERSEN Business Manager SUSAN INGERSOLL Associate Editor VICTORIA PRICE Kosmos Associates Board of Directors NANCY B. ROOF, Chair TARA STUART RHONDA FABIAN, Vice Chair, Treasurer STEPHANIE SHORTER JUDY WICKS JERRY BABER Editorial Circle, Winter 2018…

Breaking Out of the Domination Trance

I have been asked to tell you about the findings from my research identifying the core components of a safer, more equitable, and caring world—especially one where women and children are finally safe—a goal that is very close to my heart.