Birthing Planetary Civilization

The moment everything changed… was it really just one moment when everything changed? Or was it a silent, invisible struggle—questioning, reflecting, enduring, shifting to try to make everything work—that finally led to the critical moment when the changes became visible and our lives were transformed forever? Many of us have experienced the uncertainty and turbulence that precede…

Journey to Wholeness

Moving the edge together . . . We are discovering that in our deepest essence we are travelers on a journey to wholeness (holiness). Each step along the way is a new revelation and a co-creation that involves changes in all dimensions of our lives and in all fields of endeavor. In the 60s, the growing edge embraced the world of interior individual development derived mostly from Eastern…

The Resonance We Share

Dear Kosmos Reader, I have just returned from a remarkable weekend. Were people of wisdom there? Oh yes, many. Was the program filled with leading edge insights on the latest value-driven, integral evolutionary wisdom? Yes. That too. Amazing as this is, imagine that there was something more, something new, something so life enhancing that it expanded your soul into our soul. We are not…

Personal to Planetary Transformation

Our World We are living in a time of whole system transition on a personal and planetary scale that affects every aspect of life as we know it. Patterns of possibility are emerging that have never before been available to all the earth’s people and to the whole planet. Two million organisations are working toward ecological sustainability and social justice, according to Paul Hawken.…

What Kind of Leader Are You?

Dear Friends of Kosmos, Sometime ago my son asked, “Mom, what kind of leader do you think you are?” I was taken aback as I had actually never thought about myself in this way. I automatically began thinking about political leaders such as Mikhail Gorbachev and Kofi Annan, or business leaders such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, or media prophets such as Bill Moyers, or religious figures…

The New Global Era

Dear Kosmos Reader, The new global era that is emerging offers exciting promise that some of the regrettable legacies of the dying Industrial Age will be overcome by the powers and possibilities of the vibrant new Information Age, the Age of Networking. Already the effects of worldwide networks are radically changing our personal and collective lives in every dimension: political,…

A Movement of Momentous Proportions

A movement of momentous proportions is emerging at the margins of societies all over the world. There is a new story about our natural place within the vast intelligence of nature and the Kosmos.  A new story that tells us that we are not imperfect and flawed, but that we are gradually evolving towards a wider and more complex worldview with expanded care and concern. Generative dialogues…

The Great Transition

It seems that ordinary people must now do extraordinary things—simply because the time has come. The conscience of the world is awakening as a deeper meaning of existence and wider purpose is revealed. It is not by accident that we are born on the cusp of a new era. There is a planetary job to fulfill as we experience the turbulence and change of what some are calling the Great Transition.…