Jim Lobe

About Jim Lobe Jim Lobe has served as Washington D.C. correspondent and chief of the Washington bureau of Inter Press Service (IPS), an international news agency specializing in coverage of issues and events of interest to developing countries, from 1980 to 1985, and again from 1989 to the present. Since 9/11, Jim has focused much of his coverage on U.S. policy in the Middle East and the…

Jon Freeman

A generalist in an age of over-specialization, Jon is a thought-leader, systems thinker and visionary with a passion for propelling the change in mindset and Values that will support us all through the major transition that faces humanity. This passion translates into writing, blogging and speaking on topics such as our relationships with money, conscious capitalism, and the science of…

Anita Kelleher

Anita Kelleher is passionate about development – individual, organisational, community and international.  With 20 years experience in strategic analysis and long-range planning, coupled with transformational leadership and development expertise, Anita typically works with government and community benefit organisations building their capacity to successfully navigate the emerging challenges of…

Diane Hendrickson Winder

Born in the Connecticut River Valley in the US, Diane is a biologist, writer and lecturer who has served leaders in corporate and educational organizations for over three decades. She is widely respected for her work in multidisciplinary fields from science and sustainability, to human rights and healthcare, and spirituality and social change. Deeply influenced by world cultures and wisdom…

Jasmine Rossi

Artist Statement After a life in the heart of London, among the madness of Manhattan, and the eternal bustle of Rome, I longed for the serenity of nature. The stunning beauty of the immense, vast, and wild southern tip of South America, known as Patagonia, overwhelmed me, and prompted a passion that was to change my life. In 1995, I moved into a tiny cabin in a national park in Patagonia…

10 Steps to Becoming a Global Citizen

10 Steps to Becoming a Global Citizen  (from our partner—The Global Citizens Initiative)  There is an emerging world community to which we all belong. The growing interconnectedness among people, countries, and economies means that there is a global dimension to who we are. The most positive way of responding to this is by pursuing a path of global citizenship. Global citizens see ourselves…

Jerry White

Jerry White has dedicated his life to building resilience in individuals and communities affected by violent conflict.  White lost his leg to a landmine explosion while hiking in Israel in 1984.  It is his core belief that, with the right tools, everyone can rise above trauma and give back to their communities.  His co-founding in 1995 of Landmine Survivors Network (LSN) led him to…

Stanimirka Milovanovic

When I first read about Nancy Roof’s work about 10 years ago I was immediately drawn to her ideas and felt I had to try to get in touch with her. I still remember thinking that this what Nancy was doing seemed almost impossible to have been achieved but there she was really doing it. I failed to establish the contact then but succeeded in subscribing for Kosmos and felt privileged to…

Elza S. Maalouf

Elza S. Maalouf is an Arab‐American futurist and cultural development specialist whose work is focused on cultural, business and political reform in the Arab world. She lectures widely in the West on the complexities of the Muslim world and widens the horizon of understanding of Western cultures in the East.   Elza is a former attorney and corporate executive. Her innovative approaches to…

Said E. Dawlabani

Said Elias Dawlabani is a cultural economist, public speaker, trainer and writer specializing in the Gravesian approach to value systems and cultural change. He is the author of the 2013 book MEMEnomics, The Next-Generation Economic System. His writings in the field of finance have been compared to those of Peter Lynch, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet. His work has been translated to several…