Glacier, Elder, Teacher

Many think of Antarctica as an alien place, empty and devoid of life. But Antarctica is a living place and points to the mystery of what it means for bodies—humans, planets, glaciers—to be alive, entangled, kin.

How to Be a Soil Keeper

The practice of soil keeping provides individuals committed to realizing a just society with a compelling basis for imagining their work and recognizing the interdependencies between people, place, and planet.

Between Prayer Mat and Smoke Hole

Let’s start by kneeling down. Because the thing I’d love to talk about is beneath us. It’s a little worn, possibly with hurt feelings, but it’s there. It’s a prayer mat. We’re all praying to something.

The Wisdom of Our Ancestors

The frontiers of science now give us an ever-deepening understanding of the interdependence of life. Quantum physics tells us that relationships, not particles, are the foundation of what we experience as material reality.

Indigenous to Life

The central lesson of many Earth wisdom traditions is about alignment with life as a process, living in right relationship and letting life’s regenerative patterns flow through us. In this way of being we understand ourselves not as owners but rather as expressions of place.