The Potential of Grassroots Environmental Stewardship

Some years ago, CapeNature launched a highly successful land acquisition project called the Stewardship Programme. It offers incentives to land owners to make land available for conservation. These Contract Nature Reserves are designed to establish areas and inter-linked corridors of land to promote conservation—and it works.

The Indwelling Spirit

Our spiritual commons includes the pure positive potential that flows upward from the Indwelling Spirit into our personal field of consciousness where it manifests as humanity’s eight positive core qualities of thought and action

The Holomovement

In recognition of Bohm’s vision and the subsequent realization of the synergistic energy arising, the term “holomovement” perfectly describes the sociological phenomenon underlying the worldwide movement towards unity.

The Hermetic Revival

These Seven Laws are some of the oldest and most influential systems of thinking, and have expanded horizons, broadened possibilities, and aided many in the pursuit of fuller, happier, more meaningful and longer lives — as much in modern times as ancient ones.

The Atlas of Disappearing Places

Christina painted these maps on sheets of dried “sea lettuce,” members of the genus Ulva, a group of green macroalgae found in many parts of the world. All of the maps in this book were created from a single piece of Ulva perhaps 150 square feet in size, the largest she has ever found.

The Value-Renewed Society

Instead of going to bed at night dreaming of mining the minerals on Mars or finding some new pool of water on an asteroid, we need to ask ourselves some burning questions about our vision of life on Earth.

The Soul of Nations

What is urgently needed is a unifying and updated understanding of what a nation is today, and what it has to become in order to contribute to what might be a shared and peaceful future world.