Transcending Inherited Narratives

By transcending inherited social categories like religious/secular, right/left, East/West, North/South, capitalist/socialist, we see that a common goal of the consolidated regressive agenda is to restore authoritarian, top-down, punitive, in-group versus out-group systems in both the family and the state or tribe.

Left-Brain Bias is Harming Our Planet

The entire enterprise of reducing a rainforest or mangroves to so many tonnes of carbon is left brain bias par excellence. The complex web of symbiotic human and non-human life co-evolving from moment to moment in an unbroken chain which goes back hundreds of millions of years is reduced to a single metric - CO2. All so that companies can call themselves “carbon neutral” - another typically…

Deschooling Dialogues | Alnoor Ladha with Zhenevere Sophia Dao

DESCHOOLING DIALOGUES Episode 5 – Alnoor Ladha with Zhenevere Sophia Dao Alnoor Ladha | (LA) Welcome to the Deschooling Dialogues. This podcast is a co-creation of Culture Hack Labs and Kosmos Journal. Culture Hack Labs is a not-for-profit consultancy that supports organizations, social movements and activists to create cultural intervention for systems change. You can learn…

The Ageless Wisdom of Nancy Roof

"Those who study the ageless wisdom are aware that the universe is organized around cycles and rhythms of transformation. Dark times precede transformative breakthroughs. We are called to dig deeper to understand and address the metacrisis. This means letting go of belief systems that sustain the dysfunctional society we live in."

The Practice of Lucid Dreaming

"Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism have been familiar for thousands of years with experiences of self-awareness in dreaming. More than that, all three of these traditions have developed practices aimed at cultivating these kinds of dream experiences and channeling their energies toward spiritual growth and enlightenment."

Deschooling Dialogues | Alnoor Ladha with Tiokasin Ghosthorse

DESCHOOLING DIALOGUES Episode 4 – Alnoor Ladha with Tiokasin Ghosthorse Alnoor Ladha | (LA) Welcome to the Deschooling Dialogues. This podcast is a co-creation of Culture Hack Labs and Kosmos Journal. Culture Hack Labs is a not-for-profit consultancy that supports organizations, social movements and activists to create cultural intervention for systems change. You can learn…

Profound Call from the Sacred Earth Council to All Humanity    

"The Sacred Earth Council is emerging through dreams, visions, and synchronicities as a self-organized circle of diverse participants who share a commitment of service to humankind, Mother Earth, and all beings that inhabit her and grounded in a sense of the sacredness of all things. The council welcomes participation by individuals from all spiritual traditions and is open to all who feel a call…

Being Leaders | In Conversation with Christiana Figueres

"When I took my position as the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, we were all demoralized. Nobody, including me, believed it was possible to achieve a global climate agreement in our lifetime. When I heard myself saying this, I realized that nothing would be possible if we didn’t shift this mindset and change the narrative."