Change the Worldview, Change the World

Gender, like race, is a social construction, which is to say, a story. And the stories of sexism and racism that have cast such a pall over our history and our present illustrate the power of worldview and narrative in generating and maintaining systemic oppression.

Worldviews Conjured by Words

Do we have access to words and languages that are life-enhancing, that awaken our consciousness to an animate Earth and our place in a living cosmology? Do the words we choose, and the order in which we string them together, depict the world as a web of sacred systems with agency, or instead, tragically, as a vault of commodities and dead-matter resources for human use?

Indigenous Worldview Is a Source We Now Urgently Need

The Mamos want the world to hear their warning and their deep concerns about the precarious state of all life on Mother Earth: “Our ancestors left us in this space, caring for and harmonizing the Earth and Humanity. We live in harmony with all nature's beings: water, earth, fire, wind, the sun, humans, and also animals and plants, which are essence of the divine.”

Between the Inner and Outer Worlds

Perhaps the living pulse that runs through the network of connections which makes up our life on Earth, and which allows us to fathom a greater, unifying wholeness, is gratitude for what already is.

Playing for Change

The idea for this project arose from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people. No matter whether people come from different geographic, political, economic, spiritual or ideological backgrounds, music had the universal power to transcend and unite us as one human race. And with this truth firmly fixed in our minds, we set out to share…

A Vision for the World

The gift hidden in our unprecedented world crisis is an equally unprecedented opportunity. My vision of the world? My hope for the future? This topic sounds a bit big. Allow me to start small—say, with crows. They are my special friends.

The Teachings in a Time of Intense World Crisis

"More than anything else, the intensity of these times challenges us to deepen our own orientation to the Real – and to our intelligent appreciation of future evolutionary possibilities that are being worked out in our lives and through our lives. And that is why the Wisdom Teachings are so important right now. We are being called to really think – and to explore what it means to think for…

The Power of the Immersive Arts to Catalyze a More Peaceful World

"Immersive art forms have the power to deeply resonate and transform people. They intentionally combine experiential elements such as music, spoken word, and poignant imagery to catalyze proactive changes in our emotional, somatic, and spiritual states. When the need for compassion and tolerance is more important than ever before, it's vital that we explore new ways to tap into these arts…

Reemergence of Animate World Experiences

"If we intend to participate in the world as if every presence is alive and intelligent and aware, perhaps we catch ourselves a thousand times forgetting. Yet when we remember long enough, or often enough, we might crack the doors of perception – doors that may be shut by customary psychic habits – and enter that breathing world, where everything speaks, where every presence longs to be seen and…