Chris Jordan

Chris Jordan runs the numbers on modern American life—a making large-format, long-zoom artwork from the most mindblowing data about our stuff. Photographer Chris Jordan trains his eye on American consumption. His 2003-05 series "Intolerable Beauty" examines the hypnotic allure of the sheer amount of stuff we make and consume every day: cliffs of baled scrap, small cities of shipping…

David Cooperrider

David Cooperrider is the Fairmount Santrol-David L. Cooperrider Professor of Appreciative Inquiry at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University where he is faculty founder of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit and Co-director of the Strategy Innovation Lab.  David is best known for his founding theoretical articulation of Appreciative Inquiry,…

Don Edward Beck

Don Edward Beck Ph.D. has designed and implemented transformational practices for almost thirty years in corporate, governmental and community settings worldwide through Spiral Dynamics Integral. His unique values-based model charts the evolution and emergence of human nature - a bio- psycho-social-spiritual map of living human systems that focuses on natural designs and offers integral solutions…

Drew Dellinger

Drew Dellinger, Ph.D., is an internationally known speaker, writer, poet, and teacher whose keynotes and poetry performances—which address ecology, justice, cosmology, and interconnectedness—have inspired minds and hearts around the world. Dellinger has presented at over 1400 events across the US, UK, Canada, and Australia—including Bioneers, the Green Festival, the Dream Reborn, TEDWomen, and…

George Pór

George Pór is a strategic learning partner and adviser to leaders in international business, government and NGOs in matters of innovation, change management, collective intelligence, and knowledge ecology. He is assisting them to cultivate an "appreciation culture" in their organizations, a web of supportive relationships that reflect and promote organic patterns of wholeness, balance, and…

Ginger Gilmour

In Beauty before me, I walk I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA on January 19, 1949 and ever since I can remember I had a ‘dream’ which filled my days with wonder. That dream was a quest for ‘Beauty.’ Even within the smallest rill of running water on a derelict building site, I found beauty. I dreamt of prince charming and living happily ever after. I dreamt of…

Helen Titchen Beeth

After 30 years of living in Brussels and working for the European Commission as a linguist and gentle provoker of change, I have retired from organizational life and city living. I now live on a smallholding in the Flemish countryside (Belgium) in community with two close friends, where we practice conscious co-creation with place, applying the principles and methods of permaculture. As a…

Jean Houston

“In our time we have come to the stage where the real work of humanity begins. It is the time where we partner with Creation in the creation of ourselves, in the restoration of the biosphere, the regenesis of society, and in the assuming of a new type of culture: the culture of Kindness. Herein, we live daily life reconnected and recharged by the Source, so as to become liberated and…

Jordan MacLeod

Jordan MacLeod is the author of New Currency: How Money Changes the World as We Know It (2009). Since its publication, New Currency has garnered critical acclaim and MacLeod has been dubbed a “visionary thinker” and “one of the promising pioneers of a new planetary civilization” for his work on the impact of consciousness on money and economic systems. He is also a……

Joseph P. Firmage

Joseph brings a lifetime of passion for science and more than a decade of business experience to his leadership as Chairman and CEO of ManyOne Networks. Known throughout Silicon Valley and beyond as a visionary at the cusp of 21st century science and technology, he has led companies that pioneered both object-oriented programming tools and the commercial adoption of the World Wide Web. He began…