Brian Robertson

Brian Robertson is the world’s foremost expert on Holacracy, a revolutionary framework for self-managing organizations. After years as CEO of an award-winning software company, he co-founded HolacracyOne to share this innovative method with other organizations. The Holacracy framework integrates the collective wisdom of individuals throughout an organization and offers a toolset for each person…

Jem Bendell

Dr Jem Bendell is a full Professor of Sustainability Leadership and Founder of the Initiative for Leadership and Sustainability (IFLAS) at the University of Cumbria (working part-time) as well as Founder of the Deep Adaptation Forum and the co-Founder of the International Scholars’ Warning on Societal Disruption and Collapse. He focuses on leadership and communications for social change, as…

New Spirit, Wise Action

Introduction | Scroll down to access featured content The times we live in ask much of us. How can we know the best ways to respond to the converging crises we face? How can we live lives of deep meaning and joy in the midst of confusion and pain, and be catalysts for positive change? If you practice on a spiritual or ethical path, you already see that chasing wealth, power, or egoic pleasure has…

To All My Relations

Tamera has researched the foundations of a possible post-capitalist society for over 40 years and works on building models for ecosystem restoration, regenerative autonomy and above all, for freeing love from fear and reconnecting society with the “sacred matrix” of life.

The Holy Grail of Restoration

Over historical time the vegetative cover and evolutionary biodiversity of the Sinai has been in large part lost. Imagine the importance if it were possible to restore the region to ecological health.

Vivian Stockman

Vivian Stockman's images of mountaintop removal coal mining have been published in dozens of books, magazines, newspapers, on websites, and in documentaries. Notable examples include the Charleston Gazette-Mail, the New York Times, Washington Monthly, Orion Magazine, World Watch Magazine, E Magazine, and French Geo. Vivian is OVEC’s Executive Director. She began with OVEC as a volunteer in 1995,…

Gaia Orion

Gaia Orion is a visionary artist that has gained international recognition by participating in many worldwide projects that are working toward constructive world change. She has exhibited in Paris, New York, San Francisco and Toronto as well as in Mexico, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Russia and Bali. Gaia is also a creativity coach and a business coach. She is a mentor for anyone willing to ignite…

Turtles Among Us

Shouldn’t we be paying attention when the turtles head for high ground and wander among us with a kind of desperation? When at their most vulnerable, they come to us? There are many ways to ask why and many ways to answer.