Indigenous Languages As Cures of the Earth

"The Amazon is a sacred place. Human Beings do not make sacred places, they acknowledge them, recognize them, and sustain them without developing them. We honor them with languages taught to us by the Earth herself. ...They are part of the Cura Da Terra, "Cure of the Earth”, to borrow a phrase from the First Peoples of the Amazon."

Our Finest Hour, If We Choose

Nobody yet knows what we can learn from this pandemic. We never will if we don’t reflect, ask hard questions, and discuss answers with people with diverse views.

Howling in Place

Lately I’m hearing a lot more howls – and more robust, realistic ones – so either my neighbors (and their dogs) are seriously getting into it now, or real coyotes are responding in kind.

Mind Matters Most

An exploration of mind: how our thoughts create our reality and how we can use this time to gain awareness of their negative tendencies and come out of self-generated suffering.

Alain Ruche

A Belgian citizen and now a retired EU senior official, he began his career with the UN and the World Bank, then worked for nearly three decades at the EU External Service, with assignments in four continents. In recent years Alain has focused on complexity and how to look at things from another angle, including the role of artists for social change. A fellow of Salzburg Global Seminar, a member…

Lilia C. Clemente

Lilia has over 40 years experience as a distinguished investment manager, global investment strategist and entrepreneur. She is the Founder and Chairman of Clemente Capital and is considered one of the pioneers of emerging markets investments. She is founding member and former trustee, Chief Investment Officer of Women's World Banking. Lilia is passionate about social value investing, women's…

Tara Pinheiro Gibsone

The challenges faced by humanity, whether external (systemic) or internal (mental), were the catalyst for Tara’s dedication to create positive change. A drive to address the inequalities in the world informed Tara’s studies, attaining a BA in Social Sciences and an MA in Human Rights. An equally strong passion for inner personal understanding led Tara to India where she explored the teachings of…

Covid-19 is a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection

For almost twenty years I’ve been writing about an invisible, contagious death-creating virus that no one is immune to that has been insidiously spreading and replicating itself throughout the human species. This deadly disease is a virus of the mind—the Native Americans call it “wetiko."