What is Solidarity?

As we start to see how all oppression is connected, we can also start to see glimpses of how all healing is connected. And that our own liberation is not only bound up with that of others but that our collective future is dependent on it.

Recovering the Divine Feminine

In order to transform our present view of reality we need to understand the ideas and beliefs that have created it. When did we lose the awareness that all life is sacred? Why did we lose the feminine archetype that connected us to nature?

We The “Peoples” | The UN at 75

Throughout the ages, humanity has been advancing on a winding path towards higher degrees of maturity. The well-being of humankind is not static; it requires ever greater degrees of commitment to fulfilling ever increasing ambitions. At each stage, even significant advances may prove inadequate. And it is in these moments of great crisis when humanity is called on, by virtue of the prevailing…

Colin Greer

Colin Greer is President of the New World Foundation. He has published several social science books. He was a founding editor of Social Policy Magazine and Change Magazine, and wrote a column for Parade Magazine for almost 20 years. His plays have been performed off off- Broadway and in regional productions. His poetry has been published in Kosmos Quarterly, Tikkun, and Hanging Loose. His third…

Larry Kopald

Larry Kopald is President and Co-Founder of The Carbon Underground. For twenty years Kopald was Creative Director for some of the world’s leading advertising agencies, overseeing advertising for companies like Honda, American Express, McDonalds, and CocaCola. In 2008 he took that experience to the world of social change, co-founding Kopald/Stranger, a change agency that counted companies such…

What Indigenous Wisdom Can Teach Us About Economics

Now is the time to offer new political narratives—inspired by Indigenous ways of knowing, living, and being—that speak to a flourishing of ecologically-rooted communities and genuine prosperity. Now is the time for economic localisation. It is the way human beings can become part of the Cure of the Earth, the Cura da Terra, as Indigenous peoples have been since time immemorial.