Turning Our Crises Around from the Inside Out

Classically, in a rite of passage, there is a deep descent into the darkness, the heart of the unknown, and a return home, bearing its light and its gifts, healing and transformation. Today we are being called to make this passage, each in our own way, personally and collectively.

Living Radical Impermanence

The pace of change at the emerging edge of climate response, culture, politics and technology is so fast now it’s like we’re trying to build a raft as we hurtle down the rapids.

Decolonization Matters

Black Lives Matter protests in the United States and around the world are illuminating systemic racism and inequality precisely because they are so much more than symbolic.

Five Centuries of Self-Quarantine

I recently attended a talk by a Mamo of the Arhuaco—a teacher-priest charged with "maintaining the natural order of the world." His people have lived on the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountain in Colombia, isolated from the industrial world for centuries.

What Would Hagia Sophia Say?

The Hagia Sophia symbolizes wisdom and mystery. Its reconversion into a mosque triggered many contrary reactions. An essay to grasp the essence of this great monument.

Somatics, Healing, and Social Justice

I posit that returning or reintegrating into the life of our bodies allows us to return to a greater connection with each other, life, and land. It is a practice to help us de-objectify life. It lets us sense and feel life more readily.