David Berkeley | Oh Quiet World

Oh Quiet World is a prayer for the world written during the time when everything stood still a while. The whole album plays like a prayer, beginning with the call to “wake up in the early light,” and ending with the word, “amen.”

Wall Street to Main Street to World Street

Wall Street’s stock market is not the economy of the Main Street and while Wall Street and the financial system is an essential part of any market economy, it is a complex and fragile network of trust. The lesson of the current financial crisis is that such networks are prone to abuse and then to collapse. So, now what?

World Goodwill

Goodwill is one of the most basic spiritual qualities of the human being and the great untapped resource at the heart of every human community. This energy is potentially a powerful force for social change – yet its power remains largely unrecognized and underutilized. World Goodwill fosters understanding of this energy and the role it is playing in the development of a new humanity.…

KOSMOS LIVE Podcast | Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Reconnecting with the World Soul

KOSMOS LIVE PODCAST SERIES Preparing for Profound Change This podcast series, Preparing for Profound Change, explores the shifting global landscape and offers strategies for coping with what lies ahead. Economic turmoil, climate chaos, political upheaval – these may seem like forces to fear, but in fact offer us deep opportunities for transformation. Balancing a sober understanding of the of the…

Preparing for Profound Change

This podcast series, Preparing for Profound Change, explores the realities of the shifting global landscape and offers strategies for coping with what lies ahead. Economic turmoil, climate chaos, political upheaval - these may seem like forces to fear, but in fact offer us deep opportunities for transformation. Balancing a sober understanding of the of the collective challenges we face, with…

KOSMOS LIVE Podcast | Alnoor Ladha, Mystical Anarchism in a Post-Capitalist World

This podcast series, Preparing for Profound Change, explores the shifting global landscape. Economic collapse, climate chaos, political upheaval - these may seem like forces to fear, but in fact offer us deep opportunities for transformation. A post-carbon, post-capitalist world calls for deep awakening and action at all levels - by individuals, communities and societies. What skills,…

Five Insights about Global Transformation from the Kosmos Study, Connecting for Change

Last year, Kosmos commissioned a communication research study to better understand an emerging global movement and how groups within the movement could connect effectively. Led by Kosmos Digital Editor Rhonda Fabian and Jen Horner, PhD, both alumni of the Anneneberg School for Communication, the study was shared widely with the Kosmos community and remains one of the most-read features on our…

Kosmos Autumn 2020 Gallery of Poets

  Cynthia Anderson Becoming Sequoia To live for thousands of years,  you can’t be perturbed  by every insect or squirrel  or change in the weather.  When wildfire scorches your skin, you heal and keep  going. Your intention protects  you like an amulet – you push  upward according to plan,  knuckled base nestled  against earth like a fist. You  follow the ways of a shaman,…

Kosmos Fall 2021 Gallery of Poets

Kate Meyer-Currey Trailblazers: Opening the Doors of Neurodiverse Perception Welcome to the neurotypical world, neurodivergent changeling. It wasn’t your choice to be born this way, under such a wayward star.  You’ll find equality legislation hasn’t got with our different beat yet; the way is full of pitfalls like closed doors and glass ceilings.  So here are some of my tips to start you off…