Red Brain, Green Brain

An eco-anxiety response is common--almost a way of life. But are we sure that the eco-anxiety that has become normal for many is our best response to the crises we face?

Are You Sure?

Introduction | Scroll down to access featured content The test of truth is time, because truth must be played out in the context of daily living, through our experiences and relationships, filtered by our culture and conditioning. In this sense, conventional truths can only ever be partial, until they are refined or replaced by new ones. By conventional truth, I mean the stories we mostly agree…

Perceptual Intelligence

You cannot have deep knowledge of a landscape if your encounter with it is only occasional and superficial. It takes many years to gather the kind of deep knowledge I speak of here.

Being Brave

Through my initiation into motherhood, it was as if the Mystery was shaking me awake. Becoming a parent is world-altering for many; for me, the quake was magnified by the gift of a child with disabilities.

The Noosphere Is Here

The great Jesuit anthropologist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, has long fascinated us with his vision that the world would evolve into a “noosphere,” [1] a great web of consciousness enveloping the Earth. It seemed a lovely but distant ideal, yet the Digital Revolution has now made that dream a reality.