Desert Blues | The Music Moves in Circles

There is no doubt that the “desert blues” musicians of West Africa connect so easily with international audiences because of the similarity of their music with blues and blues-rock. It seems that the music has emanated from the Sahel and the Sahara to America then Europe and back to Africa.

Envisioning the Beloved Community

After edging close to the brink of ecological and societal collapse and after enduring enormous suffering on our precious Earth, enough people of good will and skillfulness were able to do just enough to pull us back from that brink so that complex life on earth might continue.  We now live in the Beloved Community.

Crone Wisdom | The Soul of Community

Andrea Mathieson, well known for building community through her women’s circles and webinars, recently invited four remarkable women to share some of the unique crone wisdom they had collected over decades of community involvement. 

Psalms White

Psalms is a creator, healer, activist, and educator with a passion for educating herself and others about Black history as American history, the impact of power structures on how we view the world, and how to self-care in the midst of these oppressive realities. A native of Charlotte, North Carolina, and a recent graduate of UNC Chapel Hill, Psalms has found great purpose in creating loving and…

Blueprints for Men

Ever the rugged individualists of myth and legend, we men are content to run the race with our broken conditioning rather than step into the unknown. Unfortunately, success in this race is not an individual event; it’s a team sport that impacts our communities.