The Sanctity of Food

The sacred within us instinctively resonates with the sanctity of food. Therefore, the growing, transporting, distribution, and consumption of food are sacred acts that deserve ritual and reverence from the moment the seed is planted in the Earth to the moment we have washed and put away the plate on which our food was served.

The Promise of Liberty and the Pain of Separation

We have a civilisation that is unrooted from its embodied past, focused on separation and the “objective” world intelligible to the rational mind, and which has lost its ability to sense the relationships in the whole and feel the suffering that we inflict on other life forms.

The Rights of All Beings

The stories that carried us here—myths of progress, human exceptionalism, personal salvation, and objectification of nature—resulted in ecological catastrophe. We are alone now, in danger, and the key to survival as a species is to gather and make myth.

With Four Freedoms, Four Responsibilities

"'We the People' means that my freedom depends on your freedom. Similarly, if freedom for one of us is removed or restricted, it jeopardizes freedom for us all—and for the larger democratic principles we all hold dear. That’s why, when we live in a free society, we are charged with protecting freedom for one another through our responsibilities to one another."

Spotlight on Hanne Strong

By Kosmos
Mrs. Strong, has been an advocate for environmental conservation and restoration for many decades. Her Baca/Crestone Community currently houses many of the world’s wisdom traditions and is referred to as the “Refuge for World Truths”. It is the largest intentional, interreligious and sustainable living community in North America.

Deep Adaptation | A Quartet of Videos

Many people spend time processing the emotional implications of the coming collapse before looking outwards to find roles on the local and global levels. Others, in the wake of their grief, turn inward and learn to trust their own hearts and emotions, which can be an invitation to others to do the same. The following four films were curated by the Deep Adaptation Quarterly, Issue 12, November…

Philanthropy as a Territory of Transition

This article focuses on philanthropy as a territory of transition, rebalancing wealth, knowledge and power while repairing historical injustices. It explores that philanthropy can exacerbates our current exploitative system through undemocratic and unaccountable processes; by increasing endowments through existing market mechanisms; and through a lack of imagination on how to support the…

The Way Out | End of the Egoic Era

The image of a healthy world lies deep within our own souls. There is a spiritual willpower where this image can no longer be destroyed by external counter-forces. Today, many people who do their service in helping humans and animals have learned to work with this image.