Profound Call from the Sacred Earth Council to All Humanity    

"The Sacred Earth Council is emerging through dreams, visions, and synchronicities as a self-organized circle of diverse participants who share a commitment of service to humankind, Mother Earth, and all beings that inhabit her and grounded in a sense of the sacredness of all things. The council welcomes participation by individuals from all spiritual traditions and is open to all who feel a call…

Being Leaders | In Conversation with Christiana Figueres

"When I took my position as the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, we were all demoralized. Nobody, including me, believed it was possible to achieve a global climate agreement in our lifetime. When I heard myself saying this, I realized that nothing would be possible if we didn’t shift this mindset and change the narrative."

What if Women Designed the City?

"The case for cities adopting a beyond-sustainability regenerative approach is profoundly compelling. Pragmatic in their orientation, closely connected to the concerns of their residents, cities also contain the seeds of their own regeneration. However, historically cities have been planned, developed and built primarily through taking the male experience as the reference. As a result, cities…

Governance from a Bahá’í perspective

"New models of collective decision making, generally referred to as consultation, are the foundation of this system. This is not disputation and debate driven by ego, ideology, or interest-group competition. Bahá’í consultation seeks out a diversity of views in a search for the truth, in humble detachment and a spirit of service to the community, referring always to spiritual principles including…

Attuned | Global Social Witnessing

"Despite the unprecedented access to information now available, we are often not so much well informed as we are overwhelmed. And if not overwhelmed, we’re likely desensitized, numb, cynical, or shut down."

‘Being’ As the New Paradigm

"The old story of separation that is at the core of our cultural program until now has shaped our development model’s priority: that of “having,” measured in countries’ GDP, which still prevails as the metric for assessing countries’ relative levels of development. This focus has created an imbalance, a relative inner underdevelopment, an ethical crisis that threatens our future."

Ocean of Wisdom

I call the Ocean ‘grandmother’ because life was created in her waters some 3.5 billion years ago, and a little bit later the continents also emerged. These are the beginnings of the Biosphere as we know it today, whose secrets lie deep within her. Slowly but surely, the first photosynthetic organisms started releasing tiny bubbles of oxygen from her depths into the atmosphere. The ocean’s oxygen…

Gary Malkin

Gary Malkin is a multiple Emmy award-winning composer, producer, public speaker, music & wellness consultant dedicated to harnessing music’s capacity to cultivate multi-dimensional coherence, especially during the most challenging transitions and phases of our lives. The composer/producer of the globally-acclaimed listening resource, Graceful Passages, (co-created with Michael and Doris…

Arthur Lyon Dahl

For over sixty years, Arthur Lyon Dahl PhD has combined a scientific career exploring unity in diversity in the coral reef ecosystem, work as an international civil servant and senior official of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and a lifelong Bahá'í demonstrating the harmony of science and religion. He is President of the International Environment Forum, a Bahá'í-inspired…

Reflections on Gaza, Israel and our collective pain

I know that the situation in Gaza and Israel has impacted your heart and mind. Maybe, like me, you’ve alternately felt heartsick, angry, confused, judgmental, numb, compassionate, and more. I for one start with feeling humble and poorly informed before the enormity of the situation.