Freeing the Dragon

A world without fossil fuels is only possible if we change the system completely. That means building an alternative which works at least as well in all these diverse fields, but which is regenerative instead of destructive. We need to completely change the system if we want to liberate the dragon.

Values as a Means to Invite Greater Depth

Not everyone would identify as being “spiritual” or connect with the word “sprit”, or it might not be the time and place to have these conversations. That doesn’t mean these people can’t have depth or get started on a path towards more depth. You can still be out there in the world changing things for the better. You don’t have to be spiritual to do that (it might help though).

The Paradox of Wise Activism

Somewhat paradoxically, to be effective change agents on the planet, the best thing we can do—for ourselves and for our beloved world—is to keep our spirits high.

The Trouble with Political Memes

He has clearly become a global meme, capturing humanity’s attention and drawing psychic energy from millions of people hanging on his every word and action. What impact does this have on us and what power does it give him?