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We are losing treasure – species, ecosystems, and the vital fluids of our planet. If we think of these as separate elements – a species of turtle here, a rainforest there – then we are missing the greater loss.
Plants, animals, and minerals are interdependent members of their eco-communities and the family of Life. Everything exists in relationship. This is biology, not just philosophy. And now, biological and quantum theories of consciousness are reinforcing what the mystics have always known. Matter and mind are co-equal sides of the same coin. A new theory of resonance (Tam Hunt, Jonathan Schooler), suggests that vibrational relationships underlie all physical processes, on a continuum of increasing richness, from sub-atomic to complex neural processes, and may be the very basis of consciousness.
We might even say that that consciousness evolves through resonant relationships. That is why, when we lose a species, consciousness itself is diminished. You can feel this reality in your own heart, when you learn that a species is gone. It’s like losing a part of yourself. Imagine the collective and natural wisdom lost with the extinction of the West African black rhinoceros, after 8 million years of evolution. What community of relationships vanished?
When we think about ecocide, we often forget cultural ecocide. When places are poisoned, blasted, clear-cut, or turned to deserts, the people of those places – their stories, language, traditions and intimate knowledge of the land – disappear along with the plants, animals, and minerals. All of that connective tissue, where resonance resides, is obliterated.
These articles speak to the deeper issues of relationship. ‘All My Relations’, or in the Lakota language, Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ, is an important ceremonial prayer of harmony and oneness with all beings. It is a prayer that honors Life.
A common prayer of oneness in Buddhist traditions is, may all beings be happy; may all beings be free; may all being be at peace. It might be useful to add: may all beings be in right relationship. When we are in right relationship with the Earth and all beings, then peace, happiness and freedom are natural outcomes.
Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ! Let us return to right relationship with the Earth. May it be so.