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The wisdom of the Earth belongs to all Life, is all Life, encoded in our DNA. It is the wordless, fathomless reality of being. First, there are the phenomena we encounter with our senses. Rain and the way it smells, birdsong at dawn, the glittering dew, the summer breeze. Everyday gifts offered by the Earth, if we are available to receive them.

Deeper looking reveals the wisdom of living cells and the elegant processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, essential to all Life. Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, cellular respiration requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. The products of one process are the reactants of the other, an elemental pas de deux of breathtaking consequence. Earth further expresses her wisdom in the way all the elements of an ecosystem cooperate and contribute. And in the way the veins in your hand resemble the branches of a tree, a watershed, a leaf.

And so, when we talk about Realigning with Earth Wisdom, we mean coming home to our true nature, as Earth. Because every civilization that ever was, every invention, every idea, every breath, has arisen from one body, our planetary home.

Our collective consciousness truly shapes our reality. Imagine a room of a hundred people. They are enraged and filled with anger, hatred and greed. What reality will they create? Now, the same room. But each of the hundred people is loving and kind. They share ideas and resources with openness and joy – they embody Earth wisdom. What possibilities might emerge?

We all know the Earth is in danger, yet we act as though our consciousness and actions have nothing to do with that. Yes, it is true – without humans, the Earth would recover in time. And maybe there is solace in knowing that Earth would bring forth new forms, as magnificent as the dinosaurs and the humans in some distant time. But we are a young species, with a duty to explore our full potential and to take care of the Earth body, as our own.

Contributing to this transformation of collective consciousness is the mission of Kosmos. It is a delight to share the insights of our writers and artists with you. Enjoy Realigning with Earth Wisdom.

Kosmos Journal Volume 21 Issue 2