Venita Ramirez

Venita Ramirez

Venita Ramirez is a partner with Pacific Integral where she co-designs and teaches conscious leadership programs in Africa, Australia and the U.S. She brings thirty years of experience in body-oriented psychology, meditation practices and integral theory to her coaching and consulting practice, and collaborates internationally on global and social transformation.

Venita’s early training included traditional psychodynamic approaches to counseling, psychotherapy and group work, such as Object Relations, Transactional Analysis, and Gestalt, as well as alternative approaches that help people inhabit more of their body and emotions such as Psychodrama, Bioenergetics, the Rosen Method, and Reichian Breathwork. She also studied and trained in various eastern meditative and philosophical approaches, especially as they relate to non-duality and energetic embodiment. She has taught graduate courses in transpersonal psychology, has worked as a family therapist for inner-city youth in Boston, and served for three years as director of professional services for The Gottman Institute, a research-based clinical training program for therapists. More recently, Venita served as a research associate for Terri O’Fallon’s study on late stages of human consciousness and has helped develop Pacific Integral’s programs since 2006. She especially enjoys collaborating across cultures with others internationally, to transform human consciousness and human systems. She holds degrees in Business Administration and Clinical Psychology.