Marie Goodwin

Marie Goodwin

Marie Goodwin is a writer, activist, and recovering academic who is deschooling herself while unschooling her two children in Media, Pennsylvania. She is passionate about the recovery of traditional folk knowledge and the languages and stories of her ancestral lands. She wears many hats (archaeologist, herbalist, writer, mother), but her “day-job” is supporting the work of several authors and public speakers. Marie is currently birthing her first novel of historical fiction, but you can find some of her writing on her blog, Personal Mycology.

The Habits of Schooling

Journal Article

…One part of me was urging the other part of me to get up, go to the professor, and seek clarity. The more fearful side of myself was anxious about being judged a fraud for being accepted to grad school at all; apprehensive of being yelled at or belittled.

The Lie of the Land | Conversation and Essay

Journal Article

In this crisis to which we’ve brought ourselves, we can only change what is happening through transforming the way we imagine things. That happens through art. This is why I think stories and images are crucial if we’re to cope with our impending fate with kindness and dignity. The story may not actually be about our own survival, but it has to be about how we fit in.