Lory Widmer Hess

Lory Widmer Hess
Lory Widmer Hess writes and spins in the Jura mountains of Switzerland, where she is a coworker in the weavery of a community serving adults with developmental disabilities. Her writing has been published in ParabolaInterweave KnitsBraided WayAmethyst Review, and elsewhere. She blogs at enterenchanted.com.

A Cosmic Twist

Journal Article

“As anyone who has tried it knows, spinning is not a mindless task. It requires constant attention not to end up with a broken thread or a tangled mess. At the same time, the rhythmical balance of hand and mind working together is deeply satisfying and calming. The spinner may find her own thoughts changing, becoming organized along with the fiber, leading to new inspirations and insights. An inner “golden thread” can be sensed, one that connects us to the cosmic rhythms which created us.”

Seeking the Honey of Life

Journal Article

We grasp what we already have, and become imprisoned by it; the bees give everything away, and are free.