John Grim

John Grim

John Grim is co-director of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology with his wife, Mary Evelyn Tucker. They are affiliated faculty with the Yale Center for Environmental Justice at the Yale School of the Environment. With Tucker, Grim directed a 10 conference series and book project at Harvard on “World Religions and Ecology.”  They have created six online courses in “Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community.”

Eldering as ‘Dismemberment’

Journal Article

“Thomas Berry is eighty years old, and he wishes to let go of the responsibilities of keeping the Center going. It is time to return to a warmer climate and the embrace of family. Yet the challenge is how to manage this with grace and a modicum of ease.”

Thomas Berry and the Rights of Nature

Journal Article

One of Thomas Berry’s major contributions to what he called the Great Work was his articulation of the principles and philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence.