Carolyn Martin

Carolyn Martin

Blissfully retired in Clackamas, Oregon, Carolyn Martin is a lover of gardening and snorkeling, feral cats and backyard birds, writing and photography. Since the only poem she wrote in high school was red penciled “extremely maudlin,” she is amazed she has continued to write. Her poems have appeared in more than 175 journals throughout North America, Australia, and the UK. For more information, go to

Kosmos Spring 2022 Gallery of Poets

News Item

Three Poems

Journal Article

Carolyn’s poems and book reviews have appeared in publications throughout North America and the UK including “Stirring,” “CALYX,” “Persimmon Tree,” “How Higher Education Feels,” and “Antiphon.” Her third collection, Thin Places, was published by Kelsay Books in 2017.


Journal Article

there through bamboo scrub palm
the tiger prowls up/across/down
the terraced hill focused and predictable
sloughing anxiety off his muscled back