SDG Thought Leaders Circle

SDG Thought Leaders Circle

The purpose of this Thought Leaders Circle is to support, promote and address a transformational agenda building from the spirit and intention of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through the infusion of innovative, unifying and uplifting visions, values and strategies, co-creative partnerships, and heart-based service for the good of the whole.

This Synergy Circle consists of a wide range of individuals who stand ready and are equipped with the vision, understanding, and skills to help foster the achievement of a future of peace, sustainability, equality, and democracy. And since this responsibility should be shared universally, we anticipate supporting their achievement both within the context of the United Nations as well as with other sectors that carry responsibility for their achievement.

Ultimately, our commitment is to act as agents of change in alliance with those who are likewise committed to the evolution of our species and the protection of the planet we share. Visit |

Unitive Narrative | A New Lens for Approaching the Sustainable Development Goals

Journal Article

The purpose of the unitive narrative is to provide an emergent cosmological, planetary, interspiritual and societal foundation to serve and support the conscious evolution of humanity and heal our collective worldview from separation to a perspective of unity in diversity.