About the Kosmos Community
Welcome to our brand new Kosmos Community, a platform for learning, sharing, acting and serving! Visit regularly for new opportunities to participate in co-creating the more just and beautiful world we all believe is possible. In coming months, we invite you to:
- Join this community
- Write for Kosmos
- Meet our authors
- Take a course
- Connect with others
- Sign petitions
- Offset carbon
- Take action in your community
- Participate in forums (coming)
- Apply for a Kosmos Seed Grant
- Be a reviewer
- Join a Kosmos Roundtable (coming)
- Take surveys
- Volunteer at Kosmos
- Connect with wisdom leaders
- Become a Kosmos Ambassador
It begins with our Sacred Season Membership Drive. We are now ten thousand strong! If you are not already a member of Kosmos, this is the time to join up! There are many membership levels and some wonderful incentives to join now. The new Fall | Winter limited edition of Kosmos Journal is here. Our subscribers frequently say that our keepsake print journal is a treasure, kept close at hand to share and discuss. When you join as a Verdant Member this Sacred Season, we offset the environmental impact of printing by planting five trees in your honor.
Digital subscribers receive Kosmos print content long before the general public, as well as our fast-growing newsletter, Kosmos Online, in their inbox. Also, check out our featured books for the Sacred Season, signed by the authors – just in time for giving.
Wear your Kosmos pride. Our beautiful Kosmos-blue Meditation Bracelet is a special keepsake for the Season. Each is handmade, mindfully sourced, and offers a contemplative connection to the Earth. It’s yours when you join at the Radiant Member level.
There are more ways to join. Yet, most importantly, we affirm together our commitment to transformation in harmony with all Life – changing our habits, healing ourselves and our relationships, living in greater awareness of our interbeing, reversing climate chaos, embracing our diversity and ‘connective’ wisdom, and joining our efforts together for greater impact.
We are so glad you are here!