Colin Greer

Colin Greer

Colin Greer is President of the New World Foundation. He has published several social science books. He was a founding editor of Social Policy Magazine and Change Magazine, and wrote a column for Parade Magazine for almost 20 years. His plays have been performed off off- Broadway and in regional productions. His poetry has been published in Kosmos Quarterly, Tikkun, and Hanging Loose. His third poetry collection, If But My Gaze Could Heal, was recently published by Lantern.

Other People’s Children

Journal Article

A poem by Colin Greer, President of the New World Foundation. He has published several social science books as well as numerous books of poetry. He was a founding editor of Social Policy Magazine and Change Magazine, and wrote a column for Parade Magazine for almost 20 years. He wrote this poem in response to the myriad, often silenced, crisis affecting children in the US and around the world.

Eleanor on 72nd Street

Journal Article

We were playing chess
On a dry stone table.

She behind us, tall white elegant
A souvenir of heart on 72nd street.

Epiphany | In the Know | Mapping

Journal Article

Why smoke gauloises in the rainforest
After the gotcha X Ray: frayed lung tissue,
Denuded woods, siamese disasters?