Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Tiokasin Ghosthorse is a member of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nation of South Dakota. Tiokasin has a long history of Indigenous activism and advocacy. He is a guest faculty member at Yale University’s School of Divinity, Ecology and Forestry focusing on the cosmology, diversity and international perspectives of reality. Tiokasin is the founder, host and executive producer of the twenty-eight-year-old “First Voices Radio” (formerly “First Voices Indigenous Radio”), a one-hour live program now syndicated to 100+ radio stations in the US and Canada. He is also a professional musician having recorded multiple LPs and has performed at the Lincoln Center, Madison Square Garden, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the United Nations, among other venues. This essay was written as part of the #CuraDaTerra series.

Wealth as Responsiveness to Earth Wisdom

Journal Article

A Lakota elder challenges the prevailing Western notions of ownership and wealth by advocating for a return to the holistic understanding of existence found in Indigenous cultures. He emphasizes the importance of unlearning Western ideologies of possession and relearning Indigenous ways of being, which prioritize community, reciprocity, and harmony with the Earth.

Indigenous Languages As Cures of the Earth

Journal Article

“The Amazon is a sacred place. Human Beings do not make sacred places, they acknowledge them, recognize them, and sustain them without developing them. We honor them with languages taught to us by the Earth herself. …They are part of the Cura Da Terra, “Cure of the Earth”, to borrow a phrase from the First Peoples of the Amazon.”