Skye Fitzgerald

Skye Fitzgerald

Skye Fitzgerald is a filmmaker who has explored complex issues of human rights and social justice on a global scale for nearly twenty years. Designated a Fulbright Research Scholar to produce the film Bombhunters (2006) in Cambodia, Fitzgerald has since collaborated or received support from the Sundance Institute, the U.S. Institute of Peace, the State Department, the Paul Robeson Fund and Mountainfilm among others for his independent documentary work. Fitzgerald’s 50 Feet from Syria was shortlisted for the 88th Academy Awards in the Documentary Short Subject category. His most recent film, LIFEBOAT, bears witness to refugee search and rescue operations off the coast of Libya. Fitzgerald was recently inducted as an honorary member into SAMS (Syrian American Medical Society) for his work with Syrian refugees and named a Distinguished Alumnus at his alma mater, Eastern Oregon University for documentary work.

FILM | LIFEBOAT, Refugees Adrift at Sea

Journal Article

Kosmos Journal | In 2015, your team produced 50 Feet from Syria, a film focused on the civilian impact of the Syrian conflict. Your new film, Lifeboat, bears witness to refugees desperate enough to risk their lives in rubber boats leaving Libya. What was different for you personally about making those two films?