Malinda Clatterbuck

Malinda Clatterbuck

Malinda Harnish Clatterbuck is a mother, wife, organizer, pastor, and active community member. She is one of the co-founders of Lancaster Against Pipelines and is a board member of the PA Community Rights Network. Her work involves bringing more awareness to the economic and political injustices of our U.S. system, one which preferences the rights of large corporations while exploiting communities and the environment. She actively seeks avenues of more equitable change. The values of justice, care of creation, peace and nonviolent solutions to conflict are promoted in all of the work she does.

Joy and Value of Connection to Place and Community

Journal Article

I wonder how we got so accustomed, as human beings, to being separated from the earth. How we can live surrounded by concrete, work in buildings with pumped in air, and practice habits of buying food wrapped in plastic from the grocery store, with little thought to how our lifestyles affect the living earth, which provides for us all of life.