About Kosmos

KOSMOS is an ancient Greek term meaning the harmony and beauty of the universe wherein all parts have their place within the Whole.

Our Mission

The Kosmos mission is to inform, inspire and engage individual and collective participation for global transformation in harmony with all Life. We do this by sharing transformational thinking and policy initiatives, aesthetic beauty and wisdom, local to global.

Our roots are at the United Nations, where a group of globally-conscious, spiritually-oriented people, including NGO staff and ambassadors, integral thinkers and peacebuilders began meeting in the year 2000. This was the beginning of what eventually became Kosmos.

Since that time, a growing community of noted authors, local and global activists, world spiritual figures, economists and ecologists have been speaking urgently of a world in crisis and of a simultaneous awakening across many fields of endeavor to an elevated consciousness, no longer based on greed, competition, and scarcity, but one informed by fresh expressions of cooperation, ancestral wisdom, community-building, sharing, and innovation at all scales from local to global.

In 2014, Kosmos conducted the first communication research study of the Global Transformation Movement, led by Rhonda Fabian and Dr. Jen Horner, both alumnae of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. The Shift, Great Turning, and Metamodern are words used to describe what many are experiencing as a growing ‘movement of movements’, an awareness worldwide of the need to examine and restructure political, economic, and social systems to align more closely with the needs of humanity and the Earth. Under the guidance of Nancy Roof, and since 2018 Rhonda Fabian, Kosmos has sought to encourage and amplify these movements and share their messages with policymakers and change-agents at many levels.

Kosmos is a mission-driven, evolving group of associates working together to widen our vision of the possible in these transformative times. A new human and a new world is being born and you can track this emergence through Kosmos.

Click here to meet our Staff and Advisors 

Kosmos initiatives include:

Kosmos Journal | a peer-reviewed e-journal of transformational writing, media, music and art. Each issue of Kosmos explores a special theme through the lens of transformation. Kosmos sometimes invites guest editors, to cross-pollinate ideas around an emerging theme.

Kosmos Community | Our growing community of engaged global citizens working at the edge of transformation stay connected through our  newsletter.

Kosmos and the UN | Kosmos enjoys special consultative status with the United Nations and participates in UN events and initiatives throughout the year.

Kosmos Live | Our podcasts explore the realities of the shifting global landscape. Balancing a sober understanding of the collective challenges we face, with heart-centered response, our guests share their personal practices, strategies, and insights to help us manage our strong emotions and step forward to play positive proactive roles during these challenging times.

Kosmos Media | Kosmos develops transformational video, webinars and online learning.

Kosmos Events | From small-group Circles and courageous conversations, to occasional retreats, Kosmos offers virtual and live events that are uplifting and healing.

Learn about Nancy Roof and the Founding of Kosmos

Rowan Fabian-Baber Rowan Baber

Rowan Fabian Baber