Rhonda Fabian

Rhonda Fabian

Rhonda Fabian is Editor of Kosmos. She is an ordained member in the Order of Interbeing, an international Buddhist community founded by her teacher, Thích Nhất Hạnh. Rhonda is also a founding partner of Immediacy Learning, an educational media company that has impacted millions of learners worldwide.

Beginning her career as a video-journalist for CNN and Public Broadcasting, Rhonda achieved Press Club recognition for chronicling the desegregation of Louisiana and spent years immersed in the musical traditions of New Orleans. She studied Anthropology, and completed her masters studies at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.

Ms. Fabian lives and is active in Transition Town Media, Pennsylvania. She is a mother, court-appointed special advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children, and an NGO Representative to the United Nations for Kosmos Associates.

Awake, Awakened, Woke!

Journal Article

The Deschooling Dialogues | Ayahuasca and Other Pathways of Perception

Journal Article

Daniel | Since I started this whole journey…it’s felt to me that there is the potential that we, in this lifetime, can somehow make a kind of quantum, mutational leap into another dimensional realization.

On Elevating the Human Narrative

Journal Article

Judy Rodgers | …I think decisions about things like governance or institutions source from our awareness. We can’t build something if it’s outside the scope of our awareness. We can’t design a true commons if we’re in a very limited consciousness.

A Story Still Unfolding

Journal Article

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

Our Struggle Is with Illusion

Journal Article

Einstein called the misinterpreted self “an optical illusion of consciousness”, the incessant stream of chatter in our heads we call “me, mine, I.”

Our Collective Journey

Journal Article

Our quest to find purpose requires conscious alignment with our evolving, living Earth. When we allow Earth’s purpose to guide us, we know how to act in harmony with Life, and hope can blossom anew.

The Deschooling Dialogues: Grief, Collapse, and Mysticism

Journal Article

Alnoor: …There is no doubt that we are in the midst of unprecedented moment where there is no return to old certainties. Part of this pain that we are facing in the world is a pathway toward transformation. Or will we perish in the horror of the onslaught that we are facing?